Management Committee

IIT Research Organization Directorate | Projects Office
Maria Carmela joined IIT Project Office in November 2014. She is in charge of the administrative and financial management of projects funded by the European Commission, private Foundations, regional and national administrations.

IIT Research Organization Directorate
Projects Office
Gabriele Ballero has a consolidated experience in managing and supervising research projects. He coordinates IIT Projects Office since 2009. The office manages a portfolio of over 250 external funded research projects, 138 of which financed by EU funding programmes as FP7 and H2020. Projects Office makes available highly qualified staff with experience in management from a scientific viewpoint as well as from an administrative perspective.

IIT Media Relations and Digital Communications
Valeria delle Cave is in charge of science communication at Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, since 2010. She coordinates activities with the mass media, operates as senior science writer, gives support to the organization of public events and participates in the definition of IIT communication strategy.

IIT Research Organization Directorate | Digital
Head of Digital at the IIT, responsible for internal and external graphic design and institutional websites. Digital office collaborates with other offices, departments and centres to create websites that help get the IIT message across to the world.
Former Members
- Francesca Razzetti
- Arianna Pezzuolo
- Laura Stefanelli
- Alessandra Gastaldi